
Current text: Walking is one of the best and easiest ways to improve your overall fitness. If you set a steady pace, you’ll get a good cardiovascular workout and improve the tone of your muscles. If you haven’t done a lot of walking in a while, do some warm-up stretches before you start. Wear comfortable shoes and socks. Walking continues to be the most popular physical activity in Canada, with 82% of adults aged 18 and older reporting participation in this activity during the previous 12 months (Physical Activity Monitor 2000, Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute).


Running efficiently combines exercise and commuting. When commuting, ensure you’re not carrying a heavy load, use a small, lightly packed backpack that has both a chest and waist strap. Commuting by running is an activity that can be done without really thinking about it. It’s as easy as putting on running shoes and going out the door.

In-line Skating

Remember to wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads for protection, and follow the rules of the road. If you’ve never in-line skated on city roads before, go out for a few test runs first. Remember to wear bright/ reflective clothes so that drivers can see you! Send us your trip information